QR Code Scanning for App Login

New! QR Code Scanning for App Login

QR Code Login Process

The driver should open a QR code scanner app on their device (most devices have this as a built-in feature or through the camera app).

If the LionWheel app is not yet installed on the device, scanning the QR code will direct the driver to the app store on their mobile device, where they can download the app.

If the LionWheel app is already installed on the device, scanning the QR code will open the app and log the driver into their user account.

How to Access the QR Code:

1. Through the Settings tab => Drivers
2. Go to the Driver Routes tab, select the driver’s route, and then click the Connect button located at the top-right of the screen.

Do you have any additional questions?
Feel free to contact us at support@lionwheel.com